Enhanced tracing for the
Financial Services industry.

Effective solutions, delivered with integrity and precision.

Estatetrace provides a high discovery tracing service, tailored to the Financial Services industry’s requirements, ensuring all reasonable attempts have been made to locate gone aways and the representatives of deceased customers.

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Using a unique combination of digital and human intervention processes, we help banks, building societies, pension providers and other financial industry customers maintain the integrity of their databases. This includes identifying deceased customers and locating the current details for 'gone away' customers, or those who legally represent them after their death.

The Importance of Gone Away Tracing

People move and people die, this is a fact of life. For some financial services firms, up to 20% of customer addresses are known to be out-of-date (i.e. the customer is ‘gone away’).

Across the industry, this relates to millions of people who are uncontactable with the held customer information. Often this is in spite of previous efforts to correct this customer information.

With evolving regulation and capabilities, many in the industry are now looking for new ways to ensure their databases are fully up to date.

Estatetrace provides robust solutions that combine a digital approach with personal service, resulting in a high discovery rate.

Find out more here.


We understand the challenges you face when it comes to data provenance. Our experienced team will guide you through your options to find the solution to fit your specific requirements.


By combining digital capabilities with a personal touch, we can better understand your data, investigate appropriately, and advise by individual customer; leaving no stone unturned.


Data Security is a top priority in financial services and we are no different. Our group is ISO27001 accredited, and we ensure customer data is maintained to industry standards.

Give us a call today, or send a message and we'll get back to you straight away.

0330 900 1700
[email protected]